Title Pro Cage Training Headgear Review

Welcome to Boxing for Life product review section. Here we review the Title Pro Cage Training Headgear. The retail price of these items is $54.99 online.

The review of this product is based on my personal experience. As always this product will be put to the boxing for life 5 start test.

I initially purchased my two sets of the Title Pro Cage Training Headgear Wraps online I purchased the sets for my sports club. The club members and I put them to the test in the ring once they arrived. Remember this cage mask is meant to be a face saver. During the first few sparring sessions the head gear held up well. It fit snuggly and was comfortable to wear. After few dozen hours of sparring I ran into a serious problem I was sparring and had my nose broke through the head gear. The cage gear allowed a 16 oz glove through enough so that my nose was broken.

During the same sparring session I unfortunately had injured my partner driving the steel cage into his bottom jaw forcing him to have several stitches. Similar incidents occurred with other members sparring in our organization. This product seemed be great in concept but poor when put into use.

Over all review for the Title MMA Semi-Elastic Hand.

Advantage: A quick and easy on headgear fits very comfortably. Offers face protection during sparring. Disadvantage: The product appears to be poorly designed we had more injuries using this products than an traditional open face headgear do to the cage.

Boxing For Life Rating: Two Stars at best the product would be great in light gentle touch sparring. When put into place for actual sparring we do not recommend the product.

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